Adult TCK Ministries

We are a group of Adult TCKs who want to
care for other Adult TCKs.

Concourse Vision

We envision Adult TCKs growing and flourishing in Christ-centered community.

Concourse Mission

We create spaces for adult TCKs to engage in community and equip them to navigate
the seasons of adult TCK life emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

Concourse Values

We desire that Adult TCKs have a healthy growing relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ in the context of local and global communities.

Cross-Continental Connection
We desire that Adult TCKs connect across life seasons and places through
in-person interactions and virtual spaces.

Curiously Growing
We desire that Adult TCKs pursue truth as they grow through the messiness
of relationships and personal development in their God-given story.

Community Equipping
We desire that Adult TCKs be equipped and involved in their local church and
communities where they are known and treasured.

Our Spaces for Community

  • Retreats
    We hold two retreats each year, one in the Spring in Tampa, Florida, and one in the Fall near Hillsdale, Michigan. These faith-based retreats provide a safe space for self-reflection, intentional processing, community formation, connection making, and spiritual and emotional growth and healing. All adult TCKs are welcome to attend. The session topics touch on the practicalities of living in the United States as adult TCKs.
  • Online
    Throughout the year we offer ways to connect with one another virtually. Past ways have included book clubs, Discipleship Training, game nights, and workshops. Join our mailing list to hear about upcoming events.
  • Facebook
    Please join our Facebook group entitled “Adult Third Culture Kids: Concourse Retreats and More”. We post information about the retreats and other events on this page.


More and more resources are becoming available for ATCKs which is very exciting. These are some resources we have found helpful. Please let us know if you have suggestions to add to this list that benefit ATCKs.