Care for Global Workers

Refreshing Hearts

At its core, Barnabas International is focused on the spiritual and emotional health of God’s global servants. Although the ministries of our staff are diverse, each one has a passion for walking alongside and encouraging those who are serving the Lord in full-time ministry in cross-cultural situations. These include overseas workers, those preparing to leave their home cultures, national pastors and leaders, and other member care providers.

Barnabas staff always strive to provide a safe environment and a listening ear for workers to share their stories with someone outside of their organization and/or work environment. Most of our staff have lived overseas for extended periods of time and have first-hand experience of the unique challenges and stressors faced by global workers.

Here are the primary ways we encourage global workers:

On-Field Visits


Many Barnabas staff travel regularly to different parts of the world to encourage individuals, families, or groups of families in that region. We believe that it is helpful to not only see the workers in their “native” environment, but also to meet their coworkers and see first-hand the ministries they are involved in. One of our primary ministry models includes ongoing, regular visits to the same region(s) to build trust with, listen, encourage, and support the workers there.

Barnabas does not charge for these visits; however, it is often helpful for the parent organization of the workers being served to assist with in-country costs and/or airfare in order to make it more financially feasible for the Barnabas staff to make repeat visits.

Regular Video Meetings


It is common for Barnabas staff to supplement their on-field visits with regular meetings through the use of technology such as Zoom and WhatsApp. The purpose of these meetings is generally to provide on-going spiritual and emotional care and to provide a safe place for global workers to process their experiences on the field.

Retreats & Conferences


Barnabas offers various events and conferences around the world to meet the unique needs of global servants. The staff of Barnabas are rooted in many different life experiences and a variety of professional backgrounds. They are experienced in speaking at Bible conferences, leadership retreats, relational seminars, prayer retreats, pastoral retreats, marriage enrichment seminars, and a variety of other meetings.


Our staff has extensive experience speaking at regional “on-the-field” conferences with a wide variety of denominational groups and sending organizations. These meetings are designed to minister to the whole group as well as to individual lives. Over the years Barnabas has ministered to global workers and national church leaders by offering a variety of subjects and topics that apply to specific field situations.

Visit our Retreats & Conferences page to see upcoming opportunities or Contact Us to inquire about the possibility of one of our staff doing an event in your context.

TCK & Family Services

Barnabas is committed to families in global ministry and believes that children are a vital part of the family. We desire to come alongside parents to encourage, equip, and edify their third-culture/missionary kids (TCKs/MKs). We also offer specific care for TCKs and adult TCKs.

For Parents:
Barnabas has many staff members who have lived overseas and raised their own children in cross-cultural settings. We can come alongside families on the field and in their home cultures regarding needs of their children.


We can provide assistance with issues such as educational options, raising resilient TCKs, transition, separation, reentry, cultural adjustment, and family debriefings. Use the Contact Us Form to see how we can help.


We also highly recommend TCK Training for parent resources on raising healthy TCKs and MKs.

For TCKs:

  • Debriefings
    We offer individual or family debriefing in person or online for MKs/TCKs starting at age 5 and up.
  • Adult TCKs services include an annual retreat, and individual debriefing and coaching.

For more information on TCK/MK and family services, please contact us to see how we may be able to come alongside your family.


Effective debriefing and personal renewal are integral elements in the long-term health of all cross-cultural workers and their families—not just for those who have experienced extreme trauma. Many times global workers go through difficult transitions when returning to their countries of origin. Feelings of disillusionment, frustration, isolation, and lack of understanding are far too common, and without a safe place to process those feelings, these essential global workers will either become less effective or drop out of missions all together.


Many of our Barnabas staff are trained debriefers and offer these services both on the field, and during home assignment. Our Interlude Debriefing Retreat is one of the options available to those on home assignment. In Europe (France), we offer the On The Threshold Debrief. We also partner with several other organizations that provide debriefs for global workers. Please contact us for more information.

(debriefing definition courtesy of



Christian leaders often need a neutral party to help them think through issues they are facing in their personal or family lives. Many Barnabas staff have either a pastoral or clinical counseling background. They are able to “come alongside” and listen carefully to the situation and to explore the possibilities for continued growth.


The counseling ministry of Barnabas is founded on biblical principles and strives to meet both spiritual and emotional needs. Our professionally trained staff provide counsel to global workers, national Christian workers, and their families abroad and here in the United States on matters of personal concern. Counselees generally express a desire for help through direct contact with our counseling staff members or are referred from their mission administrators or other Barnabas staff members.

Barnabas International Parameters for the Provision of Counseling Services
Barnabas International is a pastoral care organization that focuses on shepherding global workers. We do have a limited number of clinical and pastoral counselors on staff who can provide psychiatric assessment, clinical counseling, and pastoral counseling, primarily on a short-term basis. We are limited to only serving global workers. We are most available for global workers who are serving outside of their passport countries.


Licensing laws restrict clinical counselors from providing US-based care to anyone who is not physically located in the provider’s state of licensure. Therefore, if a global worker is currently based in the United States, we will most often offer referral options outside of Barnabas International.


If you fill out the Intake Form to request services, our Intake and Referral Team will gladly review your request. We commit to responding to you within several business days. Our response to you might include asking you for more information, referring you to someone within Barnabas, referring you to a care provider outside of Barnabas, or providing you with resources/recommendations. Please note that our response time might be longer due to holidays or unforeseen travel times that give us limited availability. We cannot guarantee availability of BI counselors as each staff member’s availability varies from month to month due to other ministry commitments including field-based travel.